Copy this sales strategy to get more customers | Mohan Jaey

Copy the sales strategy to get more customers I am personally using them for my coaching business.

I'm going to share my secrets away and this is just one of the strategies that I am using to get more leads and reach my Target audience.

The outcome that I'm getting by using the strategy is to get more people to join my twelve week one and one coaching program.

Now before I share the three strategies that I am using I want you to know that this idea is so simple that anyone can apply in any business or in any niche.

And that is to give massive value away for free.

That's what I am doing and here are the 3 ways I am offering massive value for free.

Number one. 

I am sharing crazy amount of content through all the major social media platforms to reach my Target audience.

Number two.

I am offering a free PDF guide that anyone can use to get more leads using videos.

And number three.

I am offering a free group training every week. I'll be sharing ideas that will help business owners to get more sales online.


I am also offering 1on1 coaching to business owners to get more sales online using digital and customer centric marketing.

These ideas are so simple and you can apply in any niche.

Go for it! 

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