Not everyone can be your potential customer but | Mohan Jaey

Not everyone can be your potential customer but everyone may know your potential customer.

The smartest way for you to get more customers is not by asking for a sale from every single person that you meet.

The best way would be for you to ask for a referral from every single person that you meet. 

Here are the reasons: 

Number one. When you ask for a referral, they will not be in defense mode and they would be open to hear and listen to your offer.

Number two. When you approach them with a referral mindset, they may know someone who would be needing your program or your product or your services instead of them not being the right potential market because your own customer list or your own contact list may not be the right target market.

So, when you are starting out, when you are a beginner, make sure you ask for referral.

Don't ask for a sale.

Go for it!

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